Tuesday 25 August 2009

Get the bow going, let it scream to me

Wow, the inflow of University and accommodation forms is overwhelming. That's right, it won't be long till I move out of this very room and enter the Uni-life of Lincoln. Anyway, I had quite a selection of films on the television to choose from the other day, and after much serious thought, I settled on Sister Act, because I'm just that cool.

No I'm not going to spend the majority of this post reviewing Sister Act. I like to think I still have enough dignity left to do otherwise. I'll say one thing: I didn't hate it.

Onto other things... You might wonder what the post title references, if of course you actually care. I'm actually listening to the sweet sound of Never For Ever by Kate Bush, which emanates from my record player. At the time of writing the title I was mid-track on Violin. It's not my favourite album, but just talking about nonsense seems to pass the time. Ignore my lack of effort to please readers.

What a bloody waste of a post this has been.

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