Monday 10 August 2009

Out on the winding, windy moors...

My lack of posting is not due to lack of interest, but rather a lack of internet. To be fair, in a quiet village with a name like 'Dogdyke', you can't really expect top notch technology. I've seen a fair few films and heard a handful of albums since my last post, so I'll make somewhat of a summary of it. You may have noticed that my alliteration is at an all-time high. Totally unintentional, unless somehow subliminal? Now I sound like an intellectual rap artist.

Moving on, upon visiting my Dad in London we decided to 'try something new' by going to the cinema to see... a Bollywood movie!? I've heard that these films at times can actually be quite good and don't deserve the reputation for being shallow sing-song luvvy-duvvy crap sprinkled with an unbearable amount of cheese. What we saw was actually pretty close to this, although the substance was stronger than I imagined (by 'substance' I don't mean cheese, although there was plenty of this). In actual fact, the reason why we were even sat in that screen watching that god forsaken film was because of my Dad's girlfriend's involvement as an extra in the scenes set in London. It's amazing how many times extras are re-used without the audience paying any attention. She'd appeared in the film three times, one of those times filling up half the screen. After our trip to Bollywood (in the Trocadero, London) we decided to settle home with a nice Frank Darabont film based on a Stephen King novel. No, it wasn't The Shawshank Redemption... but rather a horror titled The Mist.

Hmm... What to make of this film I'm not entirely sure. I certainly enjoyed the emphasis on human psychology during a circumstance of utter turmoil, but the problems with the film narrows down to two things. For one, the CGI is piss poor. I can let this one pass since the film focuses primarily on the people and how they cope in a situation of terror. Still though, the CGI creatures did pull you out of the reality built up by the characters. The second problem with the film was script-related. The human psychology factor would have worked had the film been lengthier, but we're expected to believe that people can turn into such savage beings in such a short duration of time, without enough motive to do so. Regardless, I actually enjoyed the film to an extent and would certainly deem it as something that has not been done before in such a peculiar way. What I loved most about The Mist was it's tragic ending that is evidently not at all 'Hollywood-friendly'. No wonder it was somewhat of a flop. It really is hard-hitting.

Now in terms of music, I have absolutely fallen in love with Kate Bush and everything about her and what she has provided me. I wanted to listen to everything she'd ever created simply from having discovered this one video on YouTube...

That of course is the 'Red Dress' international music video for Wuthering Heights. To think that this remarkable woman was only eighteen years of age when she wrote the song is astounding, not to mention other tracks on The Kick Inside album were written from as young as thirteen. I honestly can't get enough of her. Musically and lyrically it's all so beautiful.

I've been well into ordering rare Belle & Sebastian 12" EPs lately, and have recently received 3.. 6.. 9.. Seconds Of Light and Legal Man in the post. Brilliant. I'll leave it at that.

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