Sunday 16 August 2009

Who wants Crank when they got Bush?

Hmm, it seems that since Kate Bush came into my life, I have lost the motivation to write anything that doesn't relate to her or her work. What I could review I suppose, is the 1971 film The French Connection, but all I really want to do is YouTube Kate all night.

Enough of that. Last night I watched a film titled The French Connection starring Gene Hackman. Funny enough, I already had a poster for it up in my room despite not having watched it until now. Might I say that it certainly deserves its critical acclaim, as I most definitely enjoyed the high-speed action interspersed with gritty humour. Its narrative is supposedly based on a true story, which is that 'badass' cop Doyle (Gene Hackman) is struggling with his latest case involving a French heroin distribution network. Can Doyle catch the criminal mastermind behind such a criminal plan? The answer is not to be told until you watch the film (and its sequel, apparently). I enjoyed it to an extent, particularly its unconventional open-ending, which is not something you see in films these days let alone the fact that it was a rarity even then.

That wasn't the only film I saw as of late. I decided to switch my brain off, crank up the volume on my TV set and tune into the more recent, Crank. Well what do you expect? It's funny, it's violent, it's sexy, and the pace is as speedy as a driving hooligan. For those of you that don't know, Crank is a high-octane action film starring Jason Statham. The plot is simple - Statham plays a gritty bloke that kills for money, only to have woken up one morning with poison flowing through his bloodstream. The antidote to said poison is adrenaline, hence the 'high-octane action' description. At times - yes - the film is really quite stupid, but considering what it is, it's not a particularly bad movie as such. The shooting style involves fast cuts and 'shaky cam' which may be annoying to some, but personally I liked the way in which it represented the adrenaline.

Anyway, Crank isn't the type of film one should spend too long looking into, so I'm going to move forward. As the title of this post suggests, who needs these silly/fun/mindless films to occupy their time when there are clever/thoughtful/beautiful women like Kate Bush out there? Whenever I watch something that I fear may have killed a few braincells, I make sure to counteract it with the works of a genius. I advise you do the same.

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